Robert Tyre Jones Jr. was an American amateur golfer who was one of the most influential figures in the history of the sport; he was also a lawyer by profession. Jones founded and helped design the Augusta National Golf Club, and co-founded the Masters Tournament. The innovations that he introduced at the Masters have been copied by virtually every professional golf tournament in the world.
I never learned anything from a match that I won.
You swing your best when you have the fewest things to think about.
Golf is the only game I know of that actually becomes harder the longer you play it.
Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball where it lies.
No one ever swung too slowly.
Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half-inch course… the space between your ears.
The real way to enjoy playing golf is to take pleasure not in the score, but in the execution of strokes.
The toughest opponent of all is Old Man Par. He’s a patient soul who never shoots a birdie and never incurs a bogey. And if you would travel the long road with him, you must be patient, too.
I can play the game only one way. I must play every shot for all there is in it. I cannot play safe.
If ever I needed an eight foot putt, and everything I owned depended on it, I would want Arnold Palmer to putt for me.
Rhythm and timing are the two things which we all must have, yet no one knows how to teach either.
In golf, the customs and etiquette and decorum are as important as the rules of play.
Many shots are spoiled at the last instant by efforts to add a few more yards.